Brendan Ang


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003 Dynamic Programming

Last updated Nov 7, 2022 Edit Source

# 003 Dynamic Programming

#moc Dynamic Programming is a tool to solve problems which satisfy the Principle of Optimality.

# Well Known Problems

# Strategies

Both strategies will achieve the same time complexity but bottom up is usually more CPU time efficient due to the simplicity of the code

# Top Down Approach

  1. Formulate the problem in terms of recursive smaller subproblems.
  2. Use a dictionary to store the solutions to subproblems
  3. Turn the formulation into a recursive function
    1. Before any recursive call, check the store to see if a solution has been previously computed
    2. Store the solution before returning

Example with Fib DP:

# Bottom Up Approach

  1. Formulate the problem in terms of recursive smaller subproblems.
  2. Draw the subproblem graph to find dependencies
  3. Use a dictionary to store the solutions to subproblems
  4. Turn the formulation into a recursive function
    1. Compute the solutions to subproblems first
    2. Use the solutions to compute the solution for P and store it

Example with Fib DP:

# Exercises

# Binomial Coefficients

b. c. A top down approach: d. A bottom up approach

# References