Brendan Ang


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Last updated Nov 11, 2023 Edit Source

Authentication is ensuring the communicated entity is the correct entity.

# Something you know

# Passwords

# Storage

Password security relies on one-way functions (e.g hash functions).

# Salting

Add a random string to the user password before hashing, and store the salt along with the hashed value. An attacker would need to precompute the salt as well as the potential user password.

# Attacks

# Dictionary Attack

Pre-compute a hash table containing pairs of common passwords and their hashes. Weak passwords tend to include common names, dictionary words

# Something you have

One Time Password (OTP) systems create a new password each time a user logs in. A SecurID card is such a system. A server knows the algorithm that the card uses, and can verify the password entered by the user. Modern systems integrate OTP into cell phones.

# Smart Cards

Information is stored in the card’s memory, only accessible to the on board microprocessor. The microprocessor runs software which can authenticate a user. Tamper resistance prevents unauthorised access. How it works:

# ATM Cards

Contains a magnetic stripe that stores user account number data. This data is used as part of the authentication process for anyone using the ATM. The card is not tamper-resistant and anyone with a reader is able to access the information.

# Something you are

Bio metrics

Combining different strategies is more effective.

# Authentication on the Internet

# Exercises

Is it always a bad idea to write down your password? Is there a way to do it more safely?

Not necessarily. Ensure they are stored safely, not together with the device, and that in return, the passwords used obey a strong password policy. Can use modern password storage software, where a master key is needed to gain access. Easier to remember a singular master key. 2a. $2^{51.7}, 2^{53.6}, 2^{52.6}$. With more combinations, shorter keys offer similar complexities 2bi.