Brendan Ang


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Black Box Testing

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Black Box Testing

Testing of requirements and specifications


  1. Verifiable requirements (i.e. hire juniors on part time basis compared to hire those below 18 years old part time)
  2. Testable code

Test case design:

  1. Formulate the equivalence classes
  2. Break down ECs into boundary values. Remove boundary values which fall into other ECs -
  3. Create valid test cases using permutation of valid boundary values -
  4. Create invalid test cases using permutation of invalid boundary values; only one parameter can be invalid at one time -

# Equivalence Class Testing

Equivalence Class: set of values that produce the same output

Example: We are testing if an alert is sent

Valid ECs will produce a positive output according to specification (i.e. will send an alert) Invalid ECs will produce a negative output (i.e. no alert sent). Error or exception ECs are invalid data ranges or types not within specification (i.e. exception is thrown).



# Boundary Value Testing

For each EC, there are 3 BVs for the 2 ends of the range:

  1. On the value
  2. Below the value
  3. Above the value

Discrete values have no BV.