Brendan Ang


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Cache Placement Policies

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Cache Placement Policies

We need a way to decide where the data is placed when it is first copied into the cache where in the cache a copy of selected memory block will reside.

# Direct Mapped Cache

Each memory block can only be mapped to a single fixed cache line. This means that there are no sets of cache memory, rather each line is a set itself. If another block maps to this set, the previous data block is replaced. E.g. Block 0, Block 64, Block 0, Block 64 etc.

# Advantages and Disadvantages

# Fully Associative Cache

To increase flexibility, one way is to allow memory block to be placed anywhere in the cache. This can be framed as a single cache set holding all the cache lines. Index bits are no longer required since there is no distinguishing between sets:

# Advantages and Disadvantages

# Set-Associative Cache

Trade-off between direct and fully associative cache.