Brendan Ang


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Capital Budgeting

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Capital Budgeting


Net Present Value: calculate the present value of future cash flows in order to whether a project is worth up taking $NPV_1\ge NPV_2$.

# Calculating NPV of projects

NOWC: This is the net change in accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory during the measurement period. __An increase in working capital uses cash, while a decrease produces cash.

# Unequal Life Projects (Fixed term)


Rate of return which makes the NPV of a project = 0. A higher IRR is better. Intuitively, if the IRR is higher, this means that the cashflows are equivalent to returns at that level of interest rate.

Dependent only on the cashflows and not the required return.


Relationship to NPV:

# Choosing between projects (Crossover rate)

Crossover rate is the rate which we are indifferent between 2 projects. Both projects have NPV = 0.


The internal rate of return which makes the present value of cash outflows = to the present value of the terminal value (FV of cash inflows) of the project.

Handles the IRR problem by combining cash flows into (-) sign cash flow at time 0 and 1 (+) sign cash flow at terminal year.