Brendan Ang


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Custom Computing

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Custom Computing

Custom computers are special-purpose systems customised for specific applications such as signal processing and database operations, when general-purpose computers are too slow, too bulky or consume too much power.

# General Purpose Processors (GPP)

# Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP)

Flexibility should just be sufficient instead of unlimited in the case of a GPP. Want to achieve highest performance with minimum power consumption.

# Digital Signal Processor

Architecture designed for repetitive multiply-accumulate operations and bit-reversal addressing


# Field Programmable Gate Array (FGPA)

The FGPA has an edge over the DSP by supporting parallel designs and greater performance. However, it is more expensive and takes longer time to manufacture.

# Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)

With more customization, the ASIC can achieve lower power consumption but results in inflexibility.

# Heterogenous Computing Systems

# Examples