Brendan Ang


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Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Disk

# Disk Mechanics

A disk is made up of multiple cylinders (platters) each with a set of tracks

Each platter consists of 2 surfaces which data can be read/written

Disk capacity calculation:

# Disk Access

Data can only be accessed in units of blocks. Each block must be loaded from the disk into main memory. Only in main memory can we individually address each word.

# Seek time

Seek time depends on the total number of cylinders. However, it is not linear as the time taken is also dependent on the acceleration of the head.

# Rotational Delay

$$t = \frac{Angle}{Rotation \\ Speed}$$ On average the rotational delay is 0.5 * t

# Transfer Time

$$t = \frac{block\\ size}{transfer\\ rate}$$

# Random Disk Access

Average seek time: let i be the cylinder of the block just accessed and j be the cylinder of the block to be accessed, N be the total number of cylinders $$t = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N}seektime(i-j)}{N^2}$$

# Sequential Disk Access

Average seek time is approximately 0 as the block to be accessed is likely to be in same cylinder Average rotational delay is approximately 0 as the head points to the next block after current access

# Disk Scheduling

# First Come First Serve

# Shortest Seek Time First

Similar to . Selects the request with the minimum seek time from the current head position. It is susceptible to starvation.

# Elevator / Scan

Disk arm starts at one end of the disk, and moves toward the other end, servicing requests until it gets to the other end of the disk, where the head movement is reversed:

# C-Scan

Variant of elevator: after reversing direction, may not need to service requests immediately as more requests would be on the other end (uniform distribution)

# C-Look

Rather than reversing only when reaching one end of the disk, reverse after servicing the last request in the current direction.

# Comparison

# Disk Management


# Disk Reliability

# Striping

Uses a group of disks as one storage unit

# Mirroring

Keeps a duplicate of each disk by using 2 physical disks in 1 logical disk. If one fails data can still be read by the other.

# Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

Raid 0: Striping Raid 1: Mirroring Raid 0 + 1: Mirror of Stripes Raid 1 + 0: Strip of Mirror

# Storing relational data

# Fields to Record

# Record to Block

There a a few considerations when storing a record into a block

# Supporting record separation

# Order of records

We can store records in the order of the primary key. Order can be maintained either physically (in memory) or logically (through a pointer)

# Practice Problems

a. 10 + 35 + 20 + 18 + 25 + 3 = 111 b. Order: 11->12->9->16->1->34->36 1+3+7+15+33+2 = 61 c. Order: 11->12->16->34->36->9->1 1+4+18+2+27+8 = 60 Total bytes per tuple = 8+17+1+4+4+4+1 = 39 Block contains meta data of 40bytes a. Total byte without block meta data: $8\times 1024-40=8152$ Records: $8152\div 39=209.03$ 209 records can be stored b. Total bytes per tuple: 17 byte character string needs to pad additional 3 bytes: 20 byte 1 byte needs to pad additional 3 bytes: 4 byte $8+20+4+4+4+4+4=48$ bytes Records: $8152\div 48 = 169$ 169 Records c. Total bytes for block header: $10\times 8 = 80$ Total bytes per tuple: 17 byte character string needs to pad additional 7 bytes: 24 byte 1 byte needs to pad additional 7 bytes: 8 byte Record header: $2\times 8 + 8 = 24$ $24+8+24+8+8=72$ bytes Records: $8192-80\div 72 = 112$ 112 Records a. A “sector” is a physical unit of the disk and a “block” is a logical unit, a creation of whatever software system – operation systems or database systems, for example – is using the disk. As we mentioned, it is typical today for blocks to be at least as large as sectors and to consist of one or more sectors. However, there is no reason why a block cannot be a fraction of a sector, with several blocks packed into one sector. In fact, some older systems did use this strategy.

With the block size increases, the # of blocks to be accessed for a relational table decreases but the transfer time then increases. b. One block consists of multiple sectors. If these sectors are not sequential, the transfer time will be directly proportional to the RPM which the seek head is able to reach each sector. a. Capacity: $8\times2^{13}\times2^8\times2^9=2^{33}$bytes = 8GB b. 1 round around the track is 256 sectors and 256 gaps, can be completed in $\frac{1}{3840}min$ or 1/64 seconds To navigate 1 sector and 1 gap: $\frac{1}{64\times256}=0.061ms$ Min time to 1 sector and 0 gap: $0.061\times0.9=0.0549ms$ Min time for 8 sector and 7 gaps: 0.482ms

Max rotational delay occurs when we need to traverse 256-8 sectors and gaps to find the block Max cylinder access occurs when we need to traverse all the tracks Max time: $0.061\times248+0.482+17.4=33.01ms$ c. There are 8192 cylinders. If access is on cylinder 1000: block access time = average rotational delay If access is on cylinder 1001: block access time = 1 track seek time + avg rotational delay Average cylinder access: (1000+999…+0+1+…+7192)/8192 = 3218 Average cylinder access time: $3218/500+1=7.44ms$ Average rotational delay: $\frac{1}{64\times2}=7.8ms$ Average total block access time: 15.24ms