# Event-B
A formal specification framework based on Set Theory.
# Abstract Machine Notation
# Syntax
# Context
# Machine
# Events
# Actions
# Examples
# University Access
A system for controlling access to a university building
- An university has some fixed number of students.
- Students can be inside or outside the university building.
- The system should allow a new student to be registered in order to get the access to the university building.
- To deny the access to the building for a student the system should support deregistration.
- The system should allow only registered students to enter the university building.
# Coffee Club
# Printer Access
- A system should support adding a permission for a student in order to get an access to a particular printer and removing a permission.
- A system should support removing a student’s access to all printers at once.
- A system should support giving the combined permissions of any two students to both of them.
# Requirements Document
# Modelling
- To keep track of changing permissions, it will make use of a variable access whose type is a relation between STUDENTS and PRINTERS.