Brendan Ang


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Failure Detectors

Last updated Jan 31, 2023 Edit Source

# Failure Detectors

# Failure Models

# Properties

# Completeness

No false negatives: all failed processes are suspected Asynchrony: suspect every node to achieve completeness

# Strong completeness

# Weak completeness

# Accuracy

No false positives: correct processes are not suspected Asynchrony: suspect 0 nodes to achieve accuracy

# Strong accuracy

No correct process is ever suspected

# Weak accuracy

There exists a correct process P which is never suspected by any process

# Eventual Strong accuracy

After some time, strong accuracy achieved, prior to this, any behaviour possible.

# Eventual Weak accuracy

After some time, weak accuracy achieved, prior to this, any behaviour possible.

# Perfect failure detector

Only implementable in the Synchronous system, else there will be some incorrectly suspected processes while figuring out the actual delay.

# Eventually perfect failure detector

How to achieve strong accuracy? Each time p is inaccurately suspected by a correct q

# Leader Election

We want all processes to detect a single and same correct process. To do so, we need to define the set of failed processes (using a FD)

# Why local accuracy?

# Implementation


# Eventual Leader Election


# Reductions


# Strong completeness equivalent to weak completeness

# Eventual leader election $\Omega\equiv \diamond S$

Implement S using $\Omega$:

# Summary