Brendan Ang


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Index Based Algorithms

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Index Based Algorithms

Having an index on 1 or more attributes of a relation makes some algorithms more feasible.

[! ] $V(R,a)$ This represents the number of distinct values of an attribute $a$ in a relation R

# Index Based Selection

For a given selection operation $\sigma_{a=v}(R)$ (meaning select all tuples in R where attribute a = v) we can use an index on attribute a to gain cost savings.

# Clustered Index

Since each tuple with the same attribute value are packed in as little blocks as possible, a clustered index will have savings averaging: $$IO =B(R)/V(R,a)$$ The actual value can be higher due to:

  1. All tuples with $a=v$ might be spread across more than 1 block

# Non-clustered Index

We can assume that each tuple will be on a different block, a non-clustered index will have savings averaging: $$IO =T(R)/V(R,a)$$

# Index Based Joining

Assume an operation to join S and R over an attribute $C$. If only S has an index on C, algorithm:

  1. Iterate over all the blocks of R
  2. For each tuple $t$ in each block $b$ with an attribute value $t.C$ use the index to find the matching attribute value in S
  3. Join and output

# Cost

Step 1: incur a cost of B(R) as we need to read all blocks of R Step 2: each tuple of R requires a read of the index

# Sorted Index Join - Zig Zag Join

With a sorted index on both relations, we can just perform the final step of . Index allows us to ignore retrieving data blocks where there are no matching keys.

# Cost

From example 15.12, the number of disk I/O’s if R and S both have sorted indexes, the total cost would simply be that cost to read all blocks of R and S: 1500. Consider that a large fraction of R or S cannot match tuples of the other relation, then the total cost will be considerably less than 1500.

# Practice Problems

Pasted image 20221010171512 Cost of access the data blocks: There are $\frac{k}{10}$ distinct values that we must access. There are a total of $B(R)/k=1000/k$ blocks having distinct values Total block access = $\frac{1000}{k}\times\frac{k}{10}=1000$