Brendan Ang


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Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Instructions

An example using the ARM ISA

[!The datapaths shown below are examples given a single cycle datapath]

# Register Type

All data values are located in registers
Addressing Mode: register addressing mode Rm: First source register Rn: Second source register Rd: Destination register shamt: Shift amount for use in shift operations

# Datapath

# Data transfer type

Addressing Mode: Base/Displacement addressing

# Datapath


  1. Rn contains the information about WHERE the data in memory is
  2. Offset Rn by address value to get the memory address
  3. Store the data from this memory address into Rt STUR
  4. Rn register contains the information about WHERE to store the data
  5. Offset the information in Rn by the address value (22 + 64) = 90, to get the destination memory address
  6. Store the data inside Rt into this offset value

[!We can utilize a set of extra multiplexers to reuse components for both types]

# Immediate type

Addressing mode: Immediate addressing

# Datapath

# Conditional Branch type

PC relative addressing mode

# Datapath

# What’s with the shift left by 2? #question

Each instruction word is 32 bits (4 bytes) long. If we want to move by 2 instructions, we need to move 8 bytes. Thus, left shift by 2 to multiple the address by 4 to navigate the correct number of bytes.

# Unconditional Branch type

Addressing mode: PC relative addressing

# Combine all types into a single datapath

# R-Type

Critical path:

graph LR; A(Reg2Loc Mux) --> T("2 x REG(read)") --> C(ALUSrc Mux) --> ALU --> E("Mem2Reg Mux") --> F("REG(write)")


# I-Type

Critical path:

graph LR; A("REG(read)") --> T(Zero Extend) --> C(ALUSrc Mux) --> ALU --> E("Mem2Reg Mux") --> F("REG(write)")

# Load

Critical path:

graph LR; A("REG(read)") --> C(ALUSrc Mux) --> ALU --> T(D-MEM)--> E("Mem2Reg Mux") --> F("REG(write)")


# Store

graph LR; A("REG(read)") --> C(ALUSrc Mux) --> ALU --> T(D-MEM)

# Conditional Branch

Critical path:

graph LR; T(Reg2Loc Mux)--> A("REG(read)")--> C(ALUSrc Mux) --> ALU --> E(Branch MUX) -->AND-->OR-->F(PCin/out)


# Unconditional Branch

Critical path:

graph LR; T(Sign Extend)--> A(Shift left)--> C(ADD)-->E(Branch MUX)-->F(PCin/out)


# Practice Problems

i. All instructions ii. All instructions iii. All except unconditional branch instructions iv. ALU instructions, Load/Store instructions and Conditional Branch. Why unconditional branch don’t need? v. Load/Store instructions PC++, PCin -> PCout and I-MEM is used for all datapaths Propagation delay is the time delay for the signal to reach its destination. Some signals are sent out in parallel (e.g. PC++) and the delay there is overshadowed by the overall delay by main logic. i. Reg2Loc Mux -> 2 x REG(read) -> ALUSrc Mux -> ALU -> Mem2Reg Mux -> REG(write) 2 Reg read signals are done in parallel. $500+50+200+50+2000+50+200=3050ps$ ii. REG(read) -> Zero Extend -> ALUSrc Mux -> ALU -> Mem2Reg Mux -> REG(write) The delay from ALUSrcMux is overshadowed by the REG(R) $500+200+2000+200+50=2950ps$ iii. REG(read) -> ALUSrc Mux -> ALU -> D-MEM -> Mem2Reg Mux -> REG(write) ALUSrc MUX delay is overshadowed by the delay in REG(read) Drawing 2022-08-29 15.35.16.excalidraw $500+200+2000+2000+50+200=4950$ iv. STUR is LDUR but without the Mem2Reg Mux and REG write $4950-200-50=4750ps$ v. Reg2Loc Mux -> REG(read) -> ALUSrc Mux -> ALU -> BranchMUX -> PCin/out $500+50+200+50+2000+50+100=2950$ vi. Sign extend -> Shift -> Add -> BranchMUX -> PCin/out $500+25+0+1500+50+100=2175$ i. Minimum clock period must allow types of instructions to complete without that clock period. Hence the minimum clock period is the time needed to complete the longest instruction: 4950ps ii. Minimum clock period of a specific cycle must allow the longest stage to complete. Hence, the longest stage is EX or MA which has 2000ps.