Brendan Ang


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Longest Common Subsequence

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Longest Common Subsequence

# Problem Formulation

Idea: The longest common subsequence up to certain position $i$ in the first sequence and $j$ in another sequence, can be found using the longest common sub sequences of the sequences up till $i-1$ and $j-1$.

The base case when either subsequence is empty, there will not be any common characters: $$LCS(i,j)=0 $$

Common character found at (i,j): $$LCS(i,j)= LCS(i-1,j-1)+1 $$

No common character at position (i,j): $$LCS(i,j)=max(LCS(i-1,j), LCS(i,j-1)) $$

# Strategy

# Pseudocode

# Examples: Obtaining the subsequence characters

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