Brendan Ang


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Longest Increasing Subsequence

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Longest Increasing Subsequence

# Example

# Problem Formulation

Satisfaction of the Principle of Optimality: The solution to a subsequence ending at index j can be found using the solutions from subsequence ending at index 0 to j-1.

Base Case (longest subsequence ending at index 0): $$LIS(0)=1$$ Case 1: the character at index j is smaller than the character at index k (for some k) $$LIS(j)=1$$ Case 2: the character at index j is bigger than the character at index k (for some k) $$LIS(j)=LIS(k)+1 $$ Solution can be found by taking the maximum: $$LIS(j)=\max_{k=0\to j-1} {LIS(K)+1}$$

# Strategy

# Pseudocode