Brendan Ang


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OS Security

Last updated Sep 21, 2023 Edit Source

# Security Protection Stages

# Users & Access Control

Principle of least privilege

A system can have many accounts. 16 bit UIDs are used to identify accounts, e.g. root(0), bin(1). An attacker managing to get root user status effectively takes over the entire system.

# Security Policy

File permissions are used to control access. They are split into subjects (the user, program, process etc.) , object (file, memory) and operation (read/write/execute).

# Groups

# Process Controlled Invocation

Processes are assigned 2 types of user and group IDs. Root user privilege is required to execute certain OS functions, e.g. password changing, which requires R/W access to /etc/shadow. The OS overcomes this by giving additional permissions via a SUID:

// Example Setting SUID for a file such that it executes with the owner permissions of the file
chmod o+s <FILE>
// Example Setting SUID for a file such that it executes with the group permissions of the file
chmod g+s <FILE>

By tricking the SUID program owned by root to do unintended things, an attacker can act as root. Hence, all user input must be processed with extreme care, programs should have SUID status only if it is really necessary.

# RootKit

Malware that obtains root privileges. It originally referred to a set of maliciously modified set of administrative tools which granted root access. Once granted, uses can be as follows:

# Hijacking sys-call tables

Hijacking Interrupt Stack Table (IST)

# Logging

# Confinement

The OS isolates applications in the system. If one is malicious, it prevents the rest of the system from being harmed.


However, hypervisors have higher privileges than the OS kernel, and offer a larger attack surface with larger code bases. If compromised, an attacker can take over the entire system more easily.

# Containers

Package code and all dependencies into 1 unit called a container. A container engine is used to manage the different containers, which run isolated from each other.

# Reference Monitors

A mechanism to monitor and mediate/deny requests from protected targets at runtime when a security policy is violated.

# Requirements


Hardware-based RMs are introduced to monitor the OS

# Integrity Verification

A chain of trust is created by establishing verified systems from bottom to top.

# Software:

# Hardware

After the chip is fabricated, it is hard for the attacker to modify it. The integrity of hardware can be guaranteed. It is also very hard for the attacker to peek into the chip and steal the secret (e.g., encryption key). The confidentiality of hardware can also be guaranteed. Hardware is a perfect component as the start of the chain of trust.

# Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

# Platform Integrity

Helps build a chain of trust by establishing a secure boot process from the TPM until the OS has fully booted and applications are running.

# Full disk encryption

# Remote Attestation

Provide unforgeable evidence about the security of its software to a client for systems to prove that the platform is trustworthy. Integrity measurement architecture:

# Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)

The TPM can guarantee that privileged software (like the OS), is not malicious at load time, but not the security at runtime. The TEE ensures that the OS should support the execution of apps but should not be able to compromise them by reading data, changing their code. With SEV, the TCB can be reduced to just the hardware. The hypervisor does not need to be trusted. Use cases: To provide increased security against malicious actors gaining access to a device’s content, the PIN and fingerprint functionalities used to unlock the Android device must be secured. Privileged and secure access to peripherals (like the fingerprint sensor) is provided by the TEE.