Brendan Ang


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Query Processing

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Query Processing

Given a query, we need to devise an algorithm to obtain the desired result

# Example

Select B, D From R, S Where R.A = ā€œcā€ AND S.E = 2 AND R.C=S.C Some possible solutions:

  1. Cartesian product -> Select tuple -> Project
  2. Select tuple -> Natural join ->Project
  3. Index to select R tuples -> Use S.C index to select found R.C values -> Remove S.E != 2 -> Join matching

# Operator Analysis


  1. Main memory is organized as input buffers (for holding data for computations) and output buffers (for storing results) each being the size of 1 block. Let M represent the number of input buffers available.
  2. Relation R is clustered if its tuples are packed into as few blocks as possible. If T(R) = 1,000 and each block can hold 1000 tuples, B(R) = 100
    • We assume R is clustered. If not clustered, it may take T(R) disk I/Os rather than B(R) to read all the tuples
  3. Ignore the final I/O cost for writing result in output buffer back to disk. Irrelevant to our calculations.

# Notable Algorithms:

# Comparisons