Brendan Ang


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Rabin-Karp Algorithm

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Rabin-Karp Algorithm

# General Idea

  1. Convert the pattern (length m) to a number p
  2. Convert the first m-characters (the first text window) to a number t with a hash function
  3. If p and t are equal, there is possibility of pattern: verify against the actual pattern
  4. Rolling hash function: shift the text window one character to the right and convert the new string
  5. Repeat until pattern is found or exit

# Rolling hash function

The new hash value can be calculated in $\theta(m)$ time.

# Improving the hash function

# Pseudocode

# Complexity

# Examples

Rabin-Karp can support wildcard matches by simply considering the position of the wildcard to be a value of 0: