Brendan Ang


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Last updated Feb 12, 2023 Edit Source

# Regression

The purpose of regression is to derive a good approximation for the function f(x) based on a set of measurements.

# Linear Regression

Take the function as a form of linear combination of variables, where d is the number of variables or dimension. $$f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^dw_ix_i=w^Tx$$

# Least Squares

Least squares regression attempts to find the best fit line based on the quantity of w which minimizes the MSE.

# Mean Square Error (MSE)

One method to measure the error of N samples We can measure the distance of each predicted value and the actual observed value. The sum of these distances is called the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS). The RSS depends on the slope and intercept of the line. To minimize the error, we can take the derivative of the RSS to find the minimum point.

Problem: high influence of outliers to the error value.

# Ridge regression

When we only have a small number of data points, least squares will give us an estimate that is high in variance. Rather than trying to minimize RSS alone, we can introduce some penalty (bias). We can use the slope of the line (the estimated weights) as the penalty. As $\lambda$ increases, the penalty caused by the slope becomes greater. When minimizing the quantity, ridged regression creates a line that has a gradient that is asymptotically close to 0.

# Lasso Regression

Similar to ridge regression, but the minimized term is now: $$RSS+\lambda\sum_{i=1}^d|w_i|$$ which is the sum of the weights rather than the squared sum of weights. This allows some coefficients to be able to shrink to 0 rather than just being asymptotically close to 0 as $\lambda$ increases.

Variable selection property: for models which include a lot of “useless” parameters, the ability to shrink them to 0 makes lasso regression better than ridge regression.

$$\sum_{i=1}^d|w_i|\le s$$ When s = 0, all weights are zero; the model is extremely simple, predicting a constant and has no variance with the prediction being far from actual value, thus with high bias.

As s increases, all wi increase from zero toward their least square estimate values:

# k-NN Regression

Rather than trying to find a best fit line (equation), we use the training data as sample points. For new data, consider the k closest points to a its given value of X and take the average of the values as the prediction $$f(x)=\frac1k\sum_{x_i\in N_i}y_i$$ 500

# Random Sampling Consensus (RANSAC)

RANSAC allows for a robust model fit to a dataset which contains outliers.

  1. Randomly select a sample of points from the data and build the model with this subset
  2. Determine the set of data points which are within a distance threshold of the model. This is called the inliers.
  3. If the number of inliers is greater than some threshold, re-estimate using all points in this threshold and stop
  4. Else select a new random subset and repeat 300x250 300x250