Brendan Ang


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Signal Chain Subsystem

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Signal Chain Subsystem

The signal chain subsystem is concerned about how hardware in computer systems communicate.

# Factors affecting signal transfer

# Signal Skew

When the signal of one or more data lines takes a different amount of time to reach the receiver, resulting in wrong data latched by the receiver.

# Cross Talk

The undesired coupling of signals from one circuit to another, resulting in electrical interference.

# Parallel Data Transfer

Multiple bits of data are transferred simultaneously between 2 devices.

# Serial Data Transfer

Data is transferred one bit at a time over a single data line.

# Modes

# Synchronous

A common clock signal between transmitter and receiver is used to synchronise the data transfer. Master-Slave configuration: master provides the clock signal

# Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Communication

# Asynchronous

# Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART)

A hardware device that is configurable to send data between a transmitter and receiver. The UART protocol: Parity bit workings

# RS232 Transmission standard

Uses UART protocol transmission but

# Data Transfer Mechanism

# Polling

# Interrupt Driven
