Brendan Ang


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Union Find

Last updated Nov 8, 2022 Edit Source

# Union Find

A data structure to represent dynamic equivalence relations

# Operations

These operations make it an efficient data structure to verify if a cycle exists in some undirected graph.

# Implementations

# Quick Find

# Pseudocode

# Complexity

# Quick Union

Unions are too expensive using quick find, as we have to change the ids of all elements in the combining equivalence class for each union operation.

Improvement: only store the parent of the node

# Pseudocode

# Complexity

# Weighted Quick Union

Quick Union creates possible tall trees as the union operation does not necessarily occur between root nodes.

Improvement: avoid tall trees by linking smaller tree root to larger tree root

# Pseudocode

# Complexity

Hence, besides initialization $O(n)$, all other operations take $O(logn)$

# WQU with Path Compression

Improvement: further reduce the effective path to reach the root node: for some node p which we are computing the root of, we can update id[] of nodes on the path from p to root.